Say goodbye to load shedding through reliable and durable solar installation from Quality solar.We are here to take care of you every step.Our specialist solar design engineers will guide you through the solar project through the following process;
- Site Visit We visit and evaluate your power usage requirements, make a professional recommendation.We will look for every possible energy saving measures as well that will reduce your electricity bill.
- Solar System Design:We will help you to determine the type of solar panels, solar batteries, type of Solar inverters required.
- Quotation: We will provide you a quotation with the pricing of the solar system through email or hand post.
- Installation: After your approval of the quotation our highly trained team of technicians will install your solar system.
After installation, you can begin to enjoy clean and renewable energy for your home 365 days a year, whether you’re logging on to your computer, charging your phone, running your fridge or watching TV
Our solar systems are suitable for both urban and rural environments and